Results for 'Ludmilla A. Markova'

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  1. On Recent Problems of the Sociology of Science in the Context of K. Marx's Ideas in Scientific Knowledge Socialized.Ludmilla A. Markova - 1988 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 108:123-137.
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    The Play of Voices in Metaphor Discourse: A Case Study of “ NATIONS ARE BROTHERS”.Ludmilla A'Beckett - 2012 - Metaphor and Symbol 27 (2):171-194.
    The analysis presented in this article shows that overarching conceptual systems, such as the metaphor “NATIONS ARE A FAMILY,” often bring together expressions with dissimilar intentions, ideologic...
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ ėpistemologii︠a︡--v kontekste proshlogo i budushchego.L. A. Markova - 2017 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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    Myshlenie uchenogo vchera i segodni︠a︡.L. A. Markova (ed.) - 2012 - Moskva: Alʹfa-M.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ iz khaosa: Zh. Delëz i postmodernizm v filosofii, nauke, religii.L. A. Markova - 2004 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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    Science as not a Set of Results but the Way of Obtaining Them.Lyudmila A. Markova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (11):96-110.
    The article discusses the differences between the classical logic of science (17th-20th centuries) and non-classical logic (20th century). While classical logic is based on the general properties of the objects studied, non-classical logic is based on the special, individual. The classical logic singled out in the studied objects their common properties that united them and ensured their independence of human. The scientist and his social connections are volatile and cannot serve as a stable basis for obtaining the only possible true (...)
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  7. Granit︠s︡y nauki.L. A. Markova (ed.) - 2000 - Moskva: Institut filosofii RAN.
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  8. Nauka i religii︠a︡: problemy granit︠s︡y: nauchnoe izdanie.L. A. Markova - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo "Aleteĭi︠a︡".
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    Nauka na grani s nenaukoĭ.L. A. Markova - 2013 - Moskva: Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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    Max Weber on Science, in the Context of Our Days Thinking.Lyudmila A. Markova - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (8):56-71.
    Max Weber analyzes the science of the Modern Period. The revolution in physics at the beginning of the 20th century, the creation of quantum mechanics bring to the fore another type of scientific thinking. It is important to note that past knowledge in this case is not refuted, not destroyed, it becomes marginal and enters into communication with its competitor. It is this type of communication with Weber’s philosophy of scientific thinking that helps us to understand its specificity. According to (...)
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    Science Studies in Russia and in the West.Lyudmila A. Markova - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (1):38-50.
    In Russia, works on the philosophy of scientific knowledge formed the basis of science studies. In the West, the priority in the discussion regarding science studies was given to sociology. Over time, the problematic of the philosophical and sociological trends moved closer and the border between them shifted. As a result, understanding the role of science in society has changed substantially. Accordingly, there is a fundamental change both in the subject matter of epistemological investigations and in epistemological concepts.
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  12. Konet︠s︡ veka--konet︠s︡ nauki?L. A. Markova - 1992 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by P. P. Gaĭdenko.
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    Chelovek i mir v nauke i iskusstve.L. A. Markova - 2008 - Moskva: Kanon+.
    Издание содержит: плодотворная противоречивость философско-исторических и общественно-политических воззрений; амбивалентность великих философских учений и т.д.
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    A Dialogue of Social Philosophy with W. Whewell’s Logic of Science.L. A. Markova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 12:26-43.
    In the 21stcentury, there is a turn of thinking toward its reorientation first of all to the human as an author of thought and not to the nature, existing independently of us and of the process of scientific knowledge obtaining. It is possible to see the difference of these two types of thinking in the context of dialogue between W. Whewell’s philosophy and the scientific investigations after the scientific revolution in the beginning of the 20thcentury. In the philosophy of 21stcentury, (...)
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    Filosofii︠a︡ politiki A.I. Stronina.A. V. Markova - 1995 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Izd-vo "Nizhniĭ Novgorod".
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    The Turn in Social Investigations of Scientific Knowledge.Lyudmila A. Markova - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (1):26-36.
    Recognizing the necessary social aspects of scientific knowledge leads to a serious shift in the analysis of science. Whereas until recently the study of scientific knowledge in terms of its social qualities began with its logical structure, today the primary focuses of analysis are the human brain, the material carrier of computer programs, the economic relations in the society of commodity production, and so forth. All of this is not science, but is involved in the production of new knowledge. The (...)
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    Biophysical approach to modeling reflection: basis, methods, results.S. I. Bartsev, G. M. Markova & A. I. Matveeva - forthcoming - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilIT&C).
    The approach used by physics is based on the identification and study of ideal objects, which is also the basis of biophysics, in combination with von Neumann heuristic modeling and functional fractionation according to R.Rosen is discussed as a tool for studying the properties of consciousness. The object of the study is a kind of line of analog systems: the human brain, the vertebrate brain, the invertebrate brain and artificial neural networks capable of reflection, which is a key property characteristic (...)
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  18. Du consentement à la représentation politique: Rousseau critique de Locke?Ludmilla Lorrain - 2022 - In Johanna Lenne-Cornuez & Céline Spector, Rousseau et Locke. Dialogues critiques. Liverpool, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press.
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    Comment le gouvernement représentatif est devenu démocratique.Ludmilla Lorrain - 2023 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 73 (1):13-22.
    Que les seuls régimes politiques légitimes soient les démocraties représentatives contemporaines a acquis la force d’une évidence. Pourtant, à leurs origines, ces régimes représentatifs n’avaient pas vocation à être démocratiques : leurs fondateurs les avaient même imaginés pour prévenir l’émergence de formes de gouvernement démocratique. Partant de cet oubli, l’article propose de revenir sur l’histoire de l’association de la démocratie et de la représentation, des révolutions américaine et française à la première moitié du xix e siècle. S’attachant plus particulièrement aux (...)
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  20. Insight and psychosis: a conceptual history.German E. Berrios & Markova & Ivana - 2004 - In Xavier F. Amador & Anthony S. David, Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. Oxford University Press UK.
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    The dialogical mind: common sense and ethics.Ivana Marková - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Dialogue has become a central theoretical concept in human and social sciences as well as in professions such as education, health, and psychotherapy. This 'dialogical turn' emphasises the importance of social relations and interaction to our behaviour and how we make sense of the world; hence the dialogical mind is the mind in interaction with others - with individuals, groups, institutions, and cultures in historical perspectives. Through a combination of rigorous theoretical work and empirical investigation, Marková presents an ethics of (...)
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  22. Persuasion and Propaganda.Ivana Marková - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):37-51.
    This paper aims to show that propaganda and persuasion are underlined by two forms of communication, one aiming at a monologue, and the other aiming at a dialogue, which in practice do often coexist, with one or the other prevailing at a particular time. In order to understand propaganda or persuasion, we need to study them as part of the systems (e.g. institutions, organizations, communication) to which they belong, rather than treat them as decontextualized phenomena. Both propaganda and persuasion involve (...)
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    The self and psychiatry: a conceptual history.German E. Berries & Ivana S. Markova - 2003 - In Tilo Kircher & Anthony S. David, The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press. pp. 9.
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    Not Just Being Lifted: Infants are Sensitive to Delay During a Pick-Up Routine.Valentina Fantasia, Gabriela Markova, Alessandra Fasulo, Alan Costall & Vasudevi Reddy - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Language and authenticity.Ivana Marková - 1997 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 27 (2&3):265–275.
    It is argued that the analysis of language should play a central role in the study of social psychological phenomenon. For example, there is evidence that habitual inauthenticity in the use of language which was practised in the Eastern and Central European totalitarian systems was partly related to the breakdown of moral principles and to the loss of identity. Using two sentences, ‘Proletarians of the whole world – unite’ and ‘The Bororo are arara’, it is shown that they can carry (...)
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    Telomere‐Specialized Retroelements in Drosophila: Adaptive Symbionts of the Genome, Neutral, or in Conflict?Dragomira N. Markova, Shawn M. Christensen & Esther Betrán - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (1):1900154.
    Linear chromosomes shorten in every round of replication. In Drosophila, telomere‐specialized long interspersed retrotransposable elements (LINEs) belonging to the jockey clade offset this shortening by forming head‐to‐tail arrays at Drosophila telomere ends. As such, these telomeric LINEs have been considered adaptive symbionts of the genome, protecting it from premature decay, particularly as Drosophila lacks a conventional telomerase holoenzyme. However, as reviewed here, recent work reveals a high degree of variation and turnover in the telomere‐specialized LINE lineages across Drosophila. There appears (...)
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    Donner forme au peuple. Principe majoritaire et multitude chez Hobbes et Bentham.Ludmilla Lorrain - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (3):327-342.
    Entre l’œuvre de Hobbes et celle de Bentham, la proximité conceptuelle est grande : l’un et l’autre semblent réfléchir depuis un vocabulaire partagé. Suivre cette proximité conduit notamment à révéler l’importance, dans leurs théories politiques respectives, de la règle de majorité, déterminante dans le processus qui permet de constituer le peuple. Hobbes transforme l’accord majoritaire à l’entrée en société en unanimité proclamée, tandis que Bentham fait de la règle de majorité l’outil permettant de donner une consistance immanente à l’unité du (...)
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    La représentation politique chez John S. Mill.Ludmilla Lorrain - 2017 - Cahiers Philosophiques 148 (1):41-53.
    Faisant de la démocratie représentative la forme idéalement la meilleure de gouvernement, la pensée politique de Mill se distingue d’abord en tant qu’elle dépasse l’alternative généralement posée entre régime représentatif et démocratie directe. Néanmoins, la forme de gouvernement qu’il élabore pose un certain nombre de problèmes, puisque les principes sur lesquels elle repose, principe de compétence d’une part, principe de participation d’autre part, sont, au moins a priori, difficilement conciliables. Cet article entend montrer que le système politique pensé par Mill, (...)
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    The Games Infants Play: Social Games During Early Mother–Infant Interactions and Their Relationship With Oxytocin.Gabriela Markova - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:335515.
    The present study examined early social game routines during natural face-to-face mother–infant interactions and their relationship with oxytocin. Forty-three mother–infant dyads were observed, when infants were 4 months old, during a procedure involving a baseline and a natural interaction, where mothers were instructed to interact with their infants as they would at home. During this procedure four saliva samples from mothers and infants were collected to determine levels of oxytocin at different time points. Social game routines and infant social engagement (...)
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    Partir pour se dégager du secret? Réflexion quant aux changements intra et interpersonnels liés à l’expatriation.Ludmilla Foy-Sauvage - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):41-58.
    Cet article propose une réflexion soulevée par le suivi psychanalytique de sujets expatriés dont les problématiques psychiques sont liées, entre autres facteurs, à la présence d’un secret tenu par leurs parents. J’émets ici l’hypothèse que l’expatriation, en tant que déplacement volontaire, peut permettre à certains sujets d’inscrire différemment, dans leur histoire, un événement traumatique tenu secret par leurs parents. Cette réflexion s’inscrit dans le prolongement d’une conception psychanalytique de l’expatriation (Drweski, 2015). Elle s’appuie sur les notions de clivage (Bayle, 2012), (...)
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    The Library as a rhizomorphic paradoxical labyrinth (based on the works of J.L. Borges and U. Eco).Elizaveta Vladimirovna Markova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article is devoted to the identification of the genesis, typology and characterization of the philosophical concept of chaos, discreteness, paradoxicity and rhizomorphism of being and their reflection in philosophy and postmodern fiction based on the works of J.L. Borges and U. Eco is about libraries embodied by foreign authors as rhizomorphic paradoxical labyrinths. The concept of rhizome is considered in the context of temporal chaos. In accordance with the basic principles of historical science, the issues of rhizomorphism of the (...)
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  32. A dialogical approach in psychology : An alternative to the dualism of Tom.Ivana Markova - 2009 - In Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall, Against theory of mind. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Le dialogisme en psychologie sociale.Ivana Markova & Birgitta Orfali - 2005 - Hermes 41:25.
    Au cours de son histoire, la psychologie sociale en tant que discipline s'est peu intéressée au langage et à la communication. Comme en psychologie, le point de départ de toute investigation a été tout d'abordl'individu ou le soi plutôt que l'interdépendance entre individu et autrui, ou entre ego et alter. Cet article présente la perspective selon laquelle le dialogisme peut constituer un cadre pour les études en psychologie sociale. Le dialogisme est caractérisé par la capacité de l'être humain à concevoir, (...)
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    On the Way to Transhumanism.Lyudmila Markova - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):170-187.
    Social Epistemology today is argued to allow an adequate formulation of questions for exploring the issues in the process of scientific cognition. A formulation of such questions is claimed to have been impossible in the framework of classical thinking. One such issue is claimed to be the theme of transhumanism which moved from the realm of science fiction to the sphere of rational discussion. The author argues that today philosophers and scientists are discussing the question whether material objects, both natural (...)
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    Céline Spector, Éloges de l’injustice. Philosophie face à la déraison, Paris, Seuil, 2016, 240 pages. [REVIEW]Ludmilla Lorrain - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (1):316.
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    Bert Hansen. Picturing Medical Progress from Pasteur to Polio: A History of Mass Media Images and Popular Attitudes in America. ix + 348 pp., illus., app., index. Piscataway, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2009. $37.95. [REVIEW]Ludmilla Jordanova - 2010 - Isis 101 (4):896-897.
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    Lay Explanatory Models of Depression and Preferred Coping Strategies among Somali Refugees in Norway. A Mixed-Method Study.Valeria Markova & Gro M. Sandal - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  38. Matematicheskai︠a︡ logika: trudy Konferent︠s︡ii po matemeticheskoĭ logike, posvi︠a︡shchennoĭ pami︠a︡ti A.A. Markova, 1903-1979, Sofii︠a︡, 22-23 senti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1980 g.A. A. Markov & Dimitŭr Genchev Skordev (eds.) - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Bolgarskoĭ akademii nauk.
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    The Epistemological Significance of the Theory of Social Representations.Ivana Marková - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):461-487.
    The theory of social representations must be understood in terms of its proper epistemology so that it can accomplish its full potential in social sciences. This is often difficult to achieve because researchers comprehend it in terms of concepts that are part of static and individualistic Newtonian epistemology rather than in terms of dynamic and relational Einsteinian epistemology. This article considers three signposts that Moscovici identifies and analyses in the theory of relativity, namely the relation between epistemology and science, theory (...)
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    Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Health Strategies During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic.Romana Marková Volejníčková, Hana Maříková, Marie Pospíšilová & Markéta Švarcová - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (1):56-70.
    The topic of safeguarding against sickness grew in importance during the COVID-19 pandemic. People’s health was more at risk, yet not all had the same capacity and options to deal with it. Therefore, this article focuses on the under-researched topic of choice of strategies and individual practices for safeguarding against one’s sickness among micro-entrepreneurs (with 1–10 employees) before and during the pandemic, namely on the example of Czechia. We analyse 30 qualitative interviews with micro-entrepreneurs to demonstrate how their social location (...)
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    John Stuart Mill et la révolution.Aurélie Knüfer & Ludmilla Lorrain - 2020 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145 (3):283-290.
    On trouve dans les écrits de Mill une légitimation circonstanciée de la révolution. Ce que doivent considérer celles et ceux que tente l’affrontement armé, c’est la nature des circonstances historiques, mais aussi leur propre force et leur degré de maturité politique, de manière à évaluer l’opportunité et la justice de la violence révolutionnaire. Il s’agira ici d’examiner les tensions et les évolutions de la pensée de Mill à l’égard de la « révolution », comme idée politique, comme événement historique, aussi (...)
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    Themata in science and in common sense.Ivana Marková - 2017 - Kairos 19 (1):68-92.
    Human thinking is heterogeneous, and among its different forms, thinking in dyadic oppositions is associated with the concept of themata. Gerald Holton characterises themata as elements that lie beneath the structure and development of physical theories as well as of non-scientific thinking. Themata have different uses, such as a thematic concept, or a thematic component of the concept; a methodological (or epistemological) thema; and a propositional thema. Serge Moscovici has placed the concept of themata in the heart of his theory (...)
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    Heuristic modeling of reflection in reflexive games.G. M. Markova & S. I. Bartsev - forthcoming - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilIT&C).
    The functioning of a subject in a changing environment is most effective from the point of view of survival if the subject can form, maintain and use internal representations of the external world for decision-making. These representations are also called reflection in a broad sense. Using it, one can win in reflexive games since an internal representation of the enemy allows predicting their future moves. The goal is to assess the reflexive potential of heuristic model objects – artificial neural networks (...)
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    Exploring new types of intensive motherhood in the Czech Republic.Romana Marková Volejníčková - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (2):171-186.
    Intensive motherhood (IM) has become an established social norm in many countries, especially Western ones. Centred upon the mother providing lengthy full-time, intensive care focused on the child’s needs, these social norms can be seen in the actions of mothers in diverse social locations. However, recent research has demonstrated that women’s ability to engage in IM is affected by factors like education, race, ethnicity, religion or socioeconomic status as well as by cultural and structural conditions. The goal of this paper (...)
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    Sexual lifestyles in the field of cultural demands.Ivan Lukšík & Dagmar Marková - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):227-238.
    In the research we focus on the construction of the sexual lifestyles of young people—undergraduates—in Slovakia and ask “which cultural sources are used?” and “which cultural demands exert pressures on these constructions?” The analysis was based on the answers respondents provided to a questionnaire relating to the preferences of values, aspirations regarding partner and sexual life as well as the socio-economic background of respondents. On the basis of the factor analysis and other steps, we obtained five groups of respondents with (...)
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    Comparing Online Webcam- and Laboratory-Based Eye-Tracking for the Assessment of Infants’ Audio-Visual Synchrony Perception.Anna Bánki, Martina de Eccher, Lilith Falschlehner, Stefanie Hoehl & Gabriela Markova - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Online data collection with infants raises special opportunities and challenges for developmental research. One of the most prevalent methods in infancy research is eye-tracking, which has been widely applied in laboratory settings to assess cognitive development. Technological advances now allow conducting eye-tracking online with various populations, including infants. However, the accuracy and reliability of online infant eye-tracking remain to be comprehensively evaluated. No research to date has directly compared webcam-based and in-lab eye-tracking data from infants, similarly to data from adults. (...)
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    Vestígios, “negrofuligens” e “feitiço”: rastros de africanidade na constituição de uma filosofia negro-brasileira.Elisangela de Jesus Santos & Ludmilla Lis Andrade De Lima - 2022 - Odeere 7 (1):217-234.
    Este artigo atende às provocações dos seres encantados que atuam na construção de nossa Filosofia afro-brasileira estimulando a criação de novas epistemologias através do fazer-negro centrado no mistério, na Força Vital, no diálogo com o Tambor e o Batuque e no poder da Palavra, todos estes saberes ancestrais que preenchem e conduzem nossa formação acadêmica como mulheres e pessoas negro-periféricas. Utilizaremos os termos “Filosofia afro-brasileira” ou ainda “Filosofia negro-brasileira” para tratar desses saberes sem que haja diferenciação entre eles. Somos duas (...)
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    Práticas parentais e repertório infantil: caracterização da demanda por atendimento e predição de abandono.Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva, Edna Maria Marturano, Caroline Garpelli Barbosa, Mariana Marzoque de Paiva, Naiara Lima Costa & Ludmilla Cristine Santos - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 32:121-133.
    Tem-se por objetivo, (a) caracterizar comportamentos de 47 cuidadores primários e de seus filhos que buscaram atendimento, (b) comparar grupos, abandono x participantes, menino x menina. Os participantes responderam à entrevista (RE-HSE-P), inventário (IHS-Del Prette) e escalas (Escala de Assertivid..
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  49. Lost in Intensity: Is there an empirical solution to the quasi-emotions debate?Steve Humbert-Droz, Amanda Ludmilla Garcia, Vanessa Sennwald, Fabrice Teroni, Julien Deonna, David Sander & Florian Cova - 2020 - Aesthetic Investigations 4 (1):460-482.
    Contrary to the emotions we feel in everyday contexts, the emotions we feel for fictional characters do not seem to require a belief in the existence of their object. This observation has given birth to a famous philosophical paradox (the ‘paradox of fiction’), and has led some philosophers to claim that the emotions we feel for fictional characters are not genuine emotions but rather “quasi-emotions”. Since then, the existence of quasi-emotions has been a hotly debated issue. Recently, philosophers and psychologists (...)
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    Nauka: Istoriia i istoriografiia XIX-XX vv . L. A. Markova.Alexander Vucinich - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):682-683.
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